Saturday, July 22, 2006

Epay Surf Update

Hey, a petition to forums admins/moderators to get the program out of the scam section should not be too difficult once payouts or refunds (whatever you call them) get started and there is sufficient evidence to support that, otherwise more members (esp. new ones) are going to get hurt all over again.

So, despite the upbeat message, Autosurf Dummy is still waiting for the age-old refund...

Hello EPay Members! I just wanted to give a quick update before the
weekend. Things are moving along nicely.

The restructuring upgrades are being added. It really is taking a lot
longer than I thought it was going to. There are many steps in each
upgrade that needs to take place for the entire system to work, so please
be patient. I will be adding upgrades today, some over the weekend, and
will hopefully be finished by the middle of next week. Each upgrade
gets an email sent out as well, so please keep checking your accounts and
your emails.

There have been some people wanting to upgrade on their own, but were
afraid that it might upset the system. If you want to upgrade feel free
to do so. We have had many people upgrading on their own, using their
own funds, and things have been working fine.

As you will notice on the main page of the site, I have changed the
percentages, cycle times and referral percentages a bit. I am in hopes
that this will stimulate some added growth, as well as excitement for EPay
Surf. These percentages will not be around forever, so please use this
opportunity to it’s fullest.

EPay Surf is coming along nicely. Once payouts begin, I want all of the
members to please petition forum owners to take us out of the bad
section of their forum and put us in the good section. We took a hard hit,
and quite frankly I was wondering if we would ever be able to come back.
But here we are, and we are moving ahead nicely.

The forum will be up next week sometime. Right now, that is not the
most important thing on the priority list for me. There is a temporary
forum that you can access at This forum
is primarily for Privy Opps, but there is a place to ask questions
about EPay Surf and to read the updates.

Speaking of updates. If you know someone that is not getting these
updates, then please tell them to go to the above forum, or to or go to the news page on the EPay
Surf site. I will try to have each update put in those places, so that
everyone can read them.

I think that is it for now as far as news. Now let me get to this
point. There have been many people over the past few months, who have
slammed me, the program and everything associated with the program. I have
apologized for my actions during this time, publicly and privately many
times. Many of you have come to me and asked if you could get back into
the program still, and many of you I have let back in. I am a firm
believer in getting things right with people, and accepting apologies. Some
of the things that were said about me were very hurtful and down right
nasty. Those people that threatened me, don’t even bother asking if
you can get back in.

EPay Surf was designed to help people. And it bugs me a bit that some
people that perhaps lost their mind for a second or let the pressures
get to them and said some things that they would not ordinarily say, are
out of the program now. I am willing to work with almost anyone if they
apologize. Not only apologize to me, but there are some that need to
apologize publicly as well.

I know that things got to you, and I know that I did not do my part in
taking care of the communications, but nonetheless, we are supposed to
be professionals, and the remarks made were distasteful and
inappropriate. I am man enough to apologize (which I did many times) and man
enough to let some of you back in, but you need to understand that the
things said were not right. So please contact me and lets work things out. I
want you to be helped by EPay Surf as well.

With that said, I need to get back to work. Please make sure that your
down line is getting these updates. I know that many of them turn into
small books, but nonetheless, they are important.

Take care everyone and have a great weekend.


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