Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Epay Surf Update
Hello EPay Members.
I hope that you all had a great weekend. I will keep this short and
Upgrades are still being added. It takes 20 to 30 minutes for each
upgrade process, so it does take alot of time to get everything processed.
I will send out emails to each person that gets an upgrade added, as
well as post in the forum at http://www.magnumhosting.net/forum Please be
patient, it will get done as soon as I can get it done. Thanks.
The forum is being worked on as well as a little design change for the
site. Hopefully that will be completed this week.
It is nice to see people upgrading on their own as well. Thanks for the
trust that you are putting into EPay Surf. It is appreciated.
We have had a small script error with the percentages, but hopefully
soon that will be taken care of. I will credit everyones accounts
accordingly once the error is taken care of.
I think that is it. I know that this is probably the shortest update in
EPay history.
Take care everyone!
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