Monday, December 25, 2006

Something is brewing at Tri-Star Media

Autosurf Dummy thinks that the success of 15 Hits Daily or even the entire Tri-Star Media is about to grind to a halt.

The payment processor saga (TSMC not having a license) is not by itself a critical event even if it cast doubts about the authenticity of Bob's corporation.

Nobody doubts the effort Bob has put in so far or his excellent payout records which puts him among the industry's elite, if not the best. But then, Bob getting defensive and coming out to slam bloggers and monitoring sites gets on people's nerves.

It is still early days to comment on his decision to move TSMC to Canada, whether it is to avoid 'red tapes' in the US or a preparatory move to siphon the funds is uncertain.

Investors will be well-advised to sit on the fence with their money safely in their account at this point of time though...
Dear Member,

As we move into the new year, We at Tri-Star Media Group have watched the rise and fall of many Auto surfs. The ability to Predict the future as you know is not a viable and safe alternative for doing business in a volatile industry such as ours. We “all” wish we had a crystal ball to view the future and predict who is going to last, and who is going to fall prey to a hacker or server issues and perhaps just plain greed.

Through the life of 15hitsdaily which is now under the corporate structure of :

Tri-Star Media Group, Inc.
R&K Holdings Corporation.

We have constantly strived to be open and honest with all of our members. We have been completely transparent and just down right respectable. We have made moves and decisions to produce growth and stability in our corporation. I cannot think of any other way we could possibly be more accessible to our members and the various monitors and bloggers out there.

I stand here today in complete awe and silence as we are face with yet even more scrutiny and speculation. I have silently stood by and watched many of auto surfs go down and take your money with them. Just to name a few, AlertPayPro, Nexxsurf, Nowdollar, 24dailypro, fastprofitclub, mytrafficsolutions, autosurfingpros, SurfATZ Midas surf and the list could fill an entire email itself.

I have witnessed, Monitors Bloggers and every so called expert in this industry, Promote and endorse every single site I have mentioned and more. These sites which I list have been hailed and praised for being the best thing since sliced bread. BUT! some of the so called experts out there have taken a stand against certain sites and have actually caused the demise of these sites and thus, you the members have lost a lot of money, If everyone would come to realize that the Bloggers and so called monitors are not professional business men and woman. They are normal average people, such as school teachers and factory workers and truck drivers. They are average people that seem to have dooped themselves into believing they are the authority and you should hang on every word they say.

I feel sorry for you, I really do. Most of the are just referral dogs looking to benefit from your losses. They get you as a referral, then they pull there money out and just use your money to invest in these programs so they don’t lose a dime. I can only stand here and defend myself for so long. Even I get tired and weary, I’m just 1 guy trying to help a lot of people make a few extra bucks and in the process hopefully provide a decent living for my family.

I have obeyed every law and retained every possible business entity I could to help make us a legitimate business. But for some reason, and, again I have no clue as to what people have against me! But, there are more attacks coming from the bloggers and alike. I have named several sites that have come and gone like a snowball in hell! But yet who is the one still standing and stronger than we have ever been? Who is the one that has continued to grow and face our challenges head on? Who is the one that continues to be bashed at every turn and called “Satan Krimm or Pathetic Bob? And yet, Tri-Star Media is still standing! And we are still growing! We are still the most profitable business in the auto surf world! And yet, The attacks continue?

I have learned that there is some type of information one of the Bloggers has on me and after sending me an email, telling me that he was going to put me back on his monitor and really stand behind me because “he believes in me” has now rescinded that statement dur to this supposedly huge information. Well, I got to tell ya folk, I don’t give a rats ass what any of them have to say. The truth be known, I built this business on my own and I will continue to build this business on my own, “NOBODY” has ever done a damn thing for me! What I accomplished, I did it on my own.

I have been facing many, many struggles trying to get things accomplished and after a very frustrating week we have decided to move the Tri-Star Money Changers corporate office to Canada, I have already begun the procedure and should have it completed by 1/1/2007. The Canadian government does not require any special licensing to be a payment processor. As of today I have advised my attorney to get the legalities in order for the move by the end of this year.

Allow me to reassure you, we are in a better possition right now than ever. Our business continues to grow. I would never nor will ever Jeopardize what I have worked so hard to build and above all I would never put your funds in harms way by doing anything foolish such as not obtaining the proper licensing to do business legally. By moving Money Changers to Canada we are cutting through a lot of red tape which other wise would take forever to do.

Thank you

This mob never made it to Canada
headed off to ST Kitts in the end lol
Yes, st kitts. Many are cheering this move.

i do not know if it is just me but i feel that something is happening behind the scene, despite the false front of timely payments.

Another month will tell...
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